Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Hello Mr. Neilson...

So I just had my first class! Wow... I never thought I would be so nervous! But the students were good, spoke decent English, asked plenty of relevant questions, and even taught me a little about local culture!

Now I have three more classes spread out over the next three hours...

School here is awesome. They are out by two, and the longest I ever have to be here is 4 hours! The head of the English department was able to arrange my schedule so that I have Mondays and Tuesdays off most weeks, giving me four day weekends!! Europe, here I come!

The school I work at (I.E.S. La Marina) is very nice. It's only six years old, and all the teachers here are very friendly. Chema, the head of the English department is a great guy. One thing I really like about coming to school here is that while I am here my job is to speak ENGLISH!!!! So it is a nice refuge from the constant immersion in Spanish.

Ok, the bell is about to ring, so I must prepare... Oh, there it is.. Time for another class!

Hasta luego!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow Matt it sounds like you are havin g a fantastic time. Remember how worried you were about all of it. Now you can relax and really enjoy this great experience.

We miss you! Mrs.Bean