Sunday, September 10, 2006

Another day of travel :-/

Santander, Espana --> Cannes, France - Sept 10th
We left Santander at about 7:30 am on Sunday morning for Cannes, a small city on the southern shore of France (many celebs vacation there!!). The train ride was a 24-hour trip from hell... or so I thought.

It started with the world's longest local train ride from Santander to Venta de Banos which was in the middle of nowhere.. (pictured to the right). Then, we hopped on a train to Hendaya, France. That ride took until about 6pm, about six hours. Not too bad, just cramped in a train, the terrible part was yet to come. When we arrived in Hendaya, the language was now, for the first time, foreign.. French!
Although we were stressed over not knowing anything in French, all the train stations in France play the coolest noise whenever an announcement is made... It still rings in my head.
We finally got on our final leg of the trip in Hendaya.. an overnight ride to Cannes. This was the bad leg of the trip. Not only was the train absolutely packed, the seats in the French trains for some reason allow you to recline as far back as you like, so I had some random hippie-backpacker in my lap the whole night.. Not Comfortable! Add to that a loud black girl sitting behind me who refused to hang up her cell phone. She got so bad around 1am that someone went and got the conductor to make her hang up. She complied only until he left the car... :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I love how you are doing a blog too, just like I did in Italy.

Have an amazing time!

